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Jun 30, 2008

Wonderfully Tender Pork Spare Ribs

I made this to go with some braised chicken wings the other night. I have been making my ribs this way for years ever since Spain when I learnt how our local Chinese restaurant made theirs. I had made ribs many times but it was pretty hit and miss with recipes, sometimes they were tender other times really tough. I was throwing a large party for about 30-40 people and decided to make ribs as one of the many dishes on the menu that day. I went and asked my chinese restaurant could I buy some meat from them as I assumed they must just get great cuts of ribs. Anyway the husband said yes but because of the quantity I was after could I come back in 15 min's while he prepared them. When I returned it was his wife that gave them to me so I decided to ask was it just your meat or is there some trick, that is when she told me she cooked them in seasoned water for 90 min's on a low heat in until you could pull the meat from the bone, drained them and fried quickly in a little oil. Well she never told me what she seasoned them with so I came up with a concotion and everytime they come out wonderfully tender, just serve with your favourite dipping.

If you have been keeping up with the progress of my beautiful handcrafted camphor laurel chopping, cheese boards and Mezzaluna Boards. My official site is finally finished and live so to see my full collection please click here.


5 Large ribs, chopped in half to make 10 (I get my butcher to do this.)
11/2 Litres water
1 Generous teaspoon beef stock granules
1/2 Teaspoon five spice powder
2-3 Tablespoons peanut oil

Dipping Sauce

2 Tablespoons light soy sauce
50ml water
100ml hoisin sauce (I use blue dragon brand)
1 Teaspoon sugar
1 Teaspoon fresh ginger grated
2 Tablespoons dry sherry


1. Bring water, stock and five spice to the boil, add ribs and turn heat down to low and cook for about 90 Min's until pork can be pulled from the bone.

2. Drain pork, heat oil in a fry pan and fry pork on all sides to brown, serve immediately.


1. Combine all the ingredients in a pan and bring to the boil, serve ribs with sauce on the side.

I served my ribs with this sauce and sweet chili sauce so serve with whatever you enjoy.

All photos taken by me unless otherwise stated.

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