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Nov 10, 2007

Oysters kilpatrick

I love Oysters although I am not so keen on them natural, I enjoy oysters mornay, oysters Rockefeller and kilpatrick.

I am posting a recipe for oysters kilpatrick as I made these last night as a starter they are very quick and easy and they taste great. A great starter as they are not as time consuming as oysters mornay.


2 Dozen oysters, half shell (I can only buy whole oysters where I am and this takes a bit of time opening them. If you have to open oysters it is important to use an oyster knife.)
4-5 Tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
250g Bacon, chopped
Rock salt


1. Cook bacon in pan until crisp, drain on absorbent paper.

2. Pour rock salt into a couple of oven proof dishes arrange oysters on top. (the salt helps to keep them in place as the shells are so uneven.)

3. Divide bacon between each oyster and pour Worcestershire sauce into each oyster bake in oven 180c for 5 Min's until heated through serve immediately.

Serves 4 as a stater

All photo's taken by me unless otherwise stated.

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