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Nov 14, 2007

Chilli Chicken with Basil and Coconut Cream

Here is a quick and easy Thai dish that is very good without to much preparation time. I usually make this as one of the dishes I make when I do a Thai night, of course with the ingredients cut way back, as I make this with two or three other dishes to accompany it. I think I have gotten close to what would be the right amount for 4 people as one main dish.


2 Tablespoons peanut oil
4 large chicken breasts, 800-900g in weight, sliced thickly
1 onion, finely chopped
2 Cloves garlic, crushed
3 Thai red chillies,finely chopped (I add about half the seeds to chicken mixture my family does not like spicy food although I do, This dish is not supposed to be super spicy but feel free to adjust for your personal taste.)
11/2 Tablespoons fish sauce (sounds like a lot I know, I usually use only 1-2Teaspoons in most recipes but trust me this works here.)
1/2 Teaspoon chilli powder
11/2 Teaspoons sugar
300ml coconut cream (I use kara brand I really like this one as it is way more creamier than other brands.)
100ml coconut milk (this is only extra if serving over jasmine rice. I don't think there will be enough liquid with just the coconut cream, as it is quite a lot thicker than coconut milk.)
1 Cup fresh basil, finely shredded
1 Tablespoon fresh coriander, finely chopped


1. Heat oil in a wok or large frying pan, add onion, chilli and garlic, cook until onion is soft.

2. Add chicken to pan stir-fry until cooked though. Add sauce, cream, chilli powder, sugar (and milk if serving over rice.) A wok gets hotter than a frying pan, you may want to cover and cook a couple of minutes if using a frying pan to make sure chicken is cooked through.

3. Add basil and coriander toss until hot, serve immediately.

To serve: Serve over jasmine rice garnish with coriander leaf.

All photo's taken by me unless otherwise stated.

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